This is a selection of some of Hsiao-Hung's reports and features

They Shall Not Pass, Spotlight 


隱藏在「融合」背後的種族主義— 評《誰是外來者》

Hongkongers find a rough welcome in the UK, Open Democracy

On immigration, Britain's Tories sound a lot like the Italian far right, Open Democracy

What is offensive is these governments' housing arrangements for asylum seekers, Open Democracy

Italy's all too revealing call for regularising migrant labour, Open Democracy

Anti-African racism in China, The Guardian

Migrant workers in Italy under lockdown, Open Democracy

Covid-19: The 'China' narratives and Chinese workers, RS21

"People will rise up": Uyghur exile foresees end of China's ruthless rule, Open Democracy

There should be no hierarchy of rights for displaced children, Open Democracy

Vietnamese migrants are not "lured" by traffickers. They just want a better future, The Guardian

Salvini and the racist immigration policy of Italy's new government is giving green light to racial violence, Open Democracy

Happy 18th birthday! You're OutOpen Democracy

Forced separation: the impact of the government's family migration rules, Open Democracy

China's ruling elite can't ignore the growing calls for change, The Guardian

China's migrant workers and civil society development, Open Democracy

China's rural migrants deserve more respect from city dwellers, The Guardian

Defending Diversity, Diva magazine

China: "Miracle" and Misery, Socialist Review

Migrant workers are ripe for exploitation, The Guardian

China's migrant workers want rights, not handshakes, The Guardian

Good things don't come to those who wait in Chinatown, Socialist Review

Migrant construction workers: Overlooked and in danger, The Guardian

Convicted gangmaster described day of tragedy, The Guardian 

Tell the family to pray for me, I'm dying, The Guardian

Public inquiry: Barbara Storey runs a helpline for Polish workers in Hampshire, The Guardian

Girlfriend blames police as racist as killers jailed, The Guardian 

10 things we've learned so far, The Guardian

Maid to order in Hong Kong, book review, Palgrave journal

The ruptures of American capital, book review, Palgrave journal

No child's play: workers and the deadly toys, Socialist Review

Tales of belongingThe Guardian 

Chinese migrant workers: lives in shadow, Open Democracy

No place like home: Bank holidays bring no respite for one group of employees. Hsiao-Hung Pai experienced the life of a UK migrant domestic worker, The Guardian

Domestic Abuse: New government plans will remove the already pitiful rights of some of the most vulnerable migrant workers in Britain. Investigative journalist Hsiao-Hung Pai talks to the women who have travelled across the globe to look after the homes and children of the rich, Socialist Review

The Kitchen Classes: Minority-run caterers are being unfairly targeted in a severe crackdown on undocumented workers, The Guardian

On the cheap: The flowers we buy as gifts this year may be an uneasy bargain. Hsiao-Hung Pai investigates whether anything has changed for migrant workers under new gangmaster laws, The Guardian

On the breadline: As the National Minimum Wage is set to rise, Hsiao-Hung Pai investigates the realities of working long hours for basic pay at a leading pizza restaurant chain in central London, The Guardian

From the exile: Pride and protest, The Guardian

'Take 100 Chinese people', The Guardian

First DVD pirate to get Asbo in war on illicit trade, The Guardian

Overseas Aid: International students are big business for UK universities. But when they encounter racism and violence, are institutions failing to help? The Guardian 

'Our eyes have been opened by the abuse': London's top hotels built their reputations on high standards and excellent service. But some have been accused by their migrant workers of poor conditions, low wages and bullying. Hsiao-Hung Pai investigates, The Guardian

Taken for granted: A punishing work ethic, coupled with chronic racial abuse, has put intense pressure on Britain's Chinese 'takeaway families', The Guardian

Another Morecambe Bay is waiting to happen: By endorsing appalling labour conditions under gangmasters, the seafood industry is complicit in the workers' exploitation, The Guardian

Isolated and vulnerable: The Chinese in Britain do well at school, but that does not mean our lives aren't afflicted by racism, The Guardian

Clean up this house: A ballot held this week could bring about the first ever strike at the Houses of Parliament. Yet it's not MPs or civil servants who are up in arms, but the cleaners. Hsiao-Hung Pai explains why, The Guardian

Anxiety in the UK: Serious complaints by overseas students are unjustified, says their university. Hsiao-Hung Pai reports, The Guardian

Alarm over surge in anti-Chinese violence, The Guardian 

Manchester's cultural revolution, The Northerner, Guardian Unlimited's weekly digest of the best of the northern press

Damning report delayed as government fears polls backlash, The Guardian

The gunpowder plot, The Guardian

Immigration crackdown in Chinese kitchens serves up job crisis for restaurants: Takeaways are hardest hit as undocumented workers sacked, The Guardian 

Fear drives Chinese back to cockle beds: Immigration raids leave many without any other chance of work, The Guardian

Shetland unites in battle to halt deportations, The Guardian

Inside the grim world of the gangmasters (part one), The Guardian

Inside the grim world of the gangmasters (part two), The Guardian 

Fearful isolation, little hope, and even less cash, The Guardian

I am illegal, so what can I do? The Guardian

Tragic death that uncovered the shadowy world of Britain's hidden Chinese workers, The Guardian